Sunday, February 10, 2013

Cloth Diapering a Newborn

Knowing which cloth diapering method to use for a newborn can be tricky.  There are so many different ways to diaper and so many different kinds of diapers that finding just the right one for any occasion can be tricky.  Having scoured the web for opinions and advice on just this subject, I am now bringing together what I have learned from the many wonderful resources out there, to help you decide how to diaper your newborn.

Cloth diapering a newborn can be more challenging than diapering slightly older babies because (1) they do A LOT of peeing and pooping in those early days; (2) everything that comes out tends to be pretty runny; and (3) newborns are so itty bitty.  Therefore, it is necessary to have a diapering method that takes all of this into account.

There are several different cloth diapering methods available, so it is best to really explore your options first.  The basics are prefolds, fitteds, pocket diapers, and all-in-one diapers.  Prefolds are the old school - but still popular - diapers that are divided into thirds with an extra-absorbent layer in the middle.

If you use prefolds for your newborn, you will also need to use Snappis or some other kind of diaper fastener to keep them nice and snug on your teeny baby.  You can also use fitteds, which are similar in shape and design to disposable diapers.

Whether you use prefolds or fitted diapers, you will need a waterproof cover for them.  For newborns, one of the most recommended covers is the Thirsties Diaper Cover, which has double gussets around the legs which provide extra protection against leaks.  Alternatively, the Thirsties Duo Wrap has similar features but is  available in just two sizes that you can use from birth to potty-training.  There are also a ton of other brands out there to try, but Thirsties seem to be the most popular for newborns.  The inside of the cover can be wiped out, which means you don't need as many as you would with other types.

In addition to prefolds and fitteds, you can also use pocket diapers or all-in-one diapers.  Pocket diapers are diapers that have a pocket that you can stuff with a liner of some sort or with a prefold diaper.  All-in-one diapers are diapers that come with the liners inside and are, as the name suggests, a one-piece diaper.  The all-in-ones, while convenient, are also the most expensive.

For some reason, I fell in love with the prefolds, and I plan to use them with covers and with pocket diapers.  I will probably try some all-in-ones at some point in the future.  If you are looking for more diapers to try, check out my Giveaways page for the most recent giveaways around the web.  You can enter to win cloth diapers, baby gear, and more, and you can also find a ton of honest reviews on all different brands and kinds of diapers.

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