Monday, February 18, 2013

A New Week and Back to the Hunt

Last week, I posted about my job interview for a position as a real estate attorney.  At the conclusion of the interview, I was told that they planned to make a decision by Friday, so I could expect to hear from them one way or the other by then.  So, of course, I rushed home, wrote out my "thank you" cards and delivered them to the post office for expedited mailing the following morning to ensure that they would arrive by Thursday.

Friday came and went, however, with not a word from my prospective employers.  Now, we are already halfway through Monday, and still I wait.  No phone call.  No email.  Surely, some word must come today, but the longer that I wait, the more I think that the most logical conclusion is that they have offered the job to someone else already.  Perhaps they have just forgotten or not had a moment to let me know, or perhaps they are waiting for their first choice to either accept or decline the offer.  Regardless, each passing minute sucks a little bit of the hope that this was FINALLY going to be the job that helps me break into the field right out of me.

Even so, I am strong in my faith that God is leading me to something great, even if it means starting the hunt for that opportunity all over again.  Jeremiah 29:11 says:  "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  I have taken this to heart, and after listening to Derek Prince teach on the Power of Proclamation, I have put it to use in my own life.  Throughout my day, I proclaim out loud, "The Lord has plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me hope and a future."

Wow!  What an amazing promise, that God has plans to give little old me hope and a future.  It may seem incredible, but I have seen the power of proclamation in my own life, and I continue to see it at work.  Please, if you are struggling in any are of life, look to the Bible for God's promises and declare them out loud, again and again, over your life.  Sometimes, it takes time.  God does not want us to just say it once and walk away.  He wants us to show a commitment to Him, a commitment to holding Him responsible for following through on His Word.  One thing I have learned is that God's promises are not empty.  They are real and meaningful, and if you unlock His power by proclaiming those promises in faith over your life, you WILL see results.

If you are struggling in one particular area and need help finding the right verses that contain God's promises, please email me at or leave a comment below.  I have several books that contain promises from the Bible, and I would love to help you find the right one to proclaim over your life.

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